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Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie- Codelist

Published On :Tuesday, 24 September, 2024
Category Related 
  • Codecanyon
  • Mobile

Wallie – Digital Wallet App & Sketch, Figma, Invision Studio, and XD (Free) UI Kit

Wallie – Digital Wallet App UI KIT is a high-quality pack of 58 screens to kickstart your Digital Wallet App projects and speed up your design workflow. Reise includes 58 high-quality iOS & Android screen templates designed in Sketch, Figma, Invision Studio, and XD.

This modern design template is easy to customize, making it even easier for you to design your next app, projects and speed up your design workflow.

This UI Kit contains 58 high-quality UI screens and it’s compatible only with Sketch, Figma, Invision Studio, and XD App & Ionic.


  • Clean Code & Clean Design
  • Flexible UI
  • Smooth Transition Effects
  • Rubik Fonts

  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Mobile and Tablet Support
  • Responsive Design
  • Documentation Include
  • Unique and creative Design
  • Easy to Customize
  • Animation Controller
  • 58 awesome Screens
  • Latest Ionic Version
  • Sketch, Figma, Invision Studio, and XD File added (Free)

What will you get?

  • Ionic UI Source Code
  • Lifetime Free Upgrade Version
  • Documentation file
  • Code Flexibility

Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 1 Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 2 \\

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Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 3

Why Choose Us?

Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 4Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 5Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 6Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 7Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 8Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 9Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 10Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 11Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 12

We have a ReactNative Version

Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 13

We have a Flutter Version 

Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 14

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Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 15

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Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 16Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 17Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 18 Digital Wallet App ANDROID + IOS + FIGMA + XD + Sketch + Invision Studio | UI Kit | Ionic | Wallie - 19

Changelog & Update History

Version 1.0 (23-9-2024)

- Initial Version
- @ionic/angular Used
- Ionic Version 7.1.1