MasterKit – Flutter App UI Design Template Kit
MasterKit is a Flutter App UI Kit is the model of user interface, library, and certain integrations that will help you for Android & iOS developers.
By using MasterKit Flutter UI Kit, developer can save for 1000+ hours to develop mobile application rather than searching for features on internet.
The download package contains the full Source Code, Images, Icons and all reusable resources that helps you to install app to start your project in few minutes.
The collection consists of UI elements and styles based on Material Design Guidelines. With its clean and direct effect, this set of mixed App UI design easily becomes your standalone solution. Design different screens easily by customizing templates.
Core Features of MasterKit – Flutter App design Kit
- Light and Dark theme
- Flexible Structure, Easy to Customize.
- Clean and Easy Code with Clear Navigation.
- Fully Customizable Pages and Widgets.
- This UI Provides Easy, Enjoyable, and Effective Interaction Between the User and the App.
- Organized Layers and Groups.
- Optimized for both Android and iOs.
- Reusable Elements and Widgets.
- Responsive Design to any Device Screen!
- The Variables, Classes and Functions are Named per their Role.
- All Screens and Widgets are Named per their Content.
- Saved +1000 hours of development.
- More…
Full APPS in Flutter
- Recipe & Cooking Flutter App
- Travel App
- Hotel Booking App
- Fitness App
- Ecommerce App
- Hair Saloon App
- More will coming soon in Version2
Integrations in Flutter
- Generate QR Code
- Pdf Viewer
- Integration
- File Picker
- Image Picker
- Video Picker
- Local Notifications
- Signature Pad
- Liquid Swipe WalkThrough Screens
- Wave Widget
- Tinder Card
- Confetti
- Calendar
- UI Integration
- ShaderMask
- Marquee
- Color Picker
- Chart
- Pie Chart
- Line Chart
- Bar Chart
- Stacked Chart
- Candle Chart
- Firebase CRUD
- Payment GateWay
- Stripe
- FlutterWave
- Map
Widgets in Flutter
- Material Widegets
- App Structure
- AppBar
- Bottom Navigation Bar
- SliverAppBar
- Buttons
- Material Buttons
- Text Buttons
- Floating Action Button
- Icon Buttons
- Outline Buttons
- Elevated Buttons
- Input & Selection
- Checkbox
- Datetime Picker
- Radio
- Slider
- Switch
- TextField
- TextFormField
- Layout
- Divider
- List Tile
- User Account Drawer Header
- Information Display
- Material Banner
- Chip
- Progress Bar
- Rich Text
- Image Screen
- ToolTip
- Card
- Icon
- ListView
- TableView
- GridView
- Dialogues,Alerts & Panels
- Alert Dialogue
- Alert Dialogue
- Bottom Sheet
- Cupertino Widgets
- Cupertino Activity Indicator
- Cupertino Button
- Cupertino Picker
- Cupertino Navigation Bar
- Cupertino Segment Control
- Cupertino Slider
- Cupertino Switch
- Cupertino TabBar
- Cupertino TextField
- Painting and Effect Widgets
- BackDrop Filter
- Clip Widget Demo
- Transfrom
- Rotated Box
- Other Widgets
- Interactive Viewer
Theme List in Flutter
- Diamond Kit
- Real State
- Digital Wallet
- More will coming soon in Version2
What you will get?
- MasterKit App UI Kit Template
- Full Source Code
- Documentation
- Free Version Upgrade
Version 1.0.0 – May 25th, 2022
- Initial release.