Anonymous v2.2 – Secret Confessions

Anonymous “2019” is the script par excellence, allowing you to enter completely secret stories, stories, cries or confessions, anonymously. The user can still register but the secret will remain anonymous. Many sections, such as the most voted, the most popular or the least voted. Demo:!sEXrSUkB9ds8/anonconfessions-22-rar This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer […]

Anonymous – Secret Confessions (25.02.2019)

Anonymous “2019” is the script par excellence, allowing you to enter completely secret stories, stories, cries or confessions, anonymously. The user can still register but the secret will remain anonymous. Many sections, such as the most voted, the most popular or the least voted. Demo:!2XgKZVczDnjD/anonymous-25022019-rar This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer […]

Anonymous – Secret Confessions (11 September 2020)

Anonymous collects the secret stories and confessions in total anonymity of users. The first and only social network where you can let off steam by telling your secrets or confessions anonymously. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)

Anonymous – Secret Confessions – 26 september 2020

Anonymous collects the secret stories and confessions in total anonymity of users. The first and only social network where you can let off steam by telling your secrets or confessions anonymously. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)

Anonymous – Secret Confessions – 2 april 2021

Anonymous collects the secret stories and confessions in total anonymity of users. The first and only social network where you can let off steam by telling your secrets or confessions anonymously. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)