Scraper v2.0.5 – Automatic Content Crawler Plugin for WordPress

Scraper is an automatic plugin that copies content and posts automatically from any web site. With tons of useful and unique features, Scraper WordPress plugin takes content creating process to another level. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)

WP Content Crawler v1.14.0 – Get content from almost any site

Get content from almost any site to your WordPress blog, automatically! FOR WHAT IT CAN BE USED Create a personal site which collects news, posts, etc. from your favorite sites to see them in one place Use it with WooCommerce to collect products from shopping sites Collect products from affiliate programs to make money Collect […]

WP Content Crawler v1.15.0 – Get content from almost any site

Get content from almost any site to your WordPress blog, automatically! FOR WHAT IT CAN BE USED Create a personal site which collects news, posts, etc. from your favorite sites to see them in one place Use it with WooCommerce to collect products from shopping sites Collect products from affiliate programs to make money Collect […]