Convert Pro v1.7.6 – The Best Lead Generation Tool

#1 Email Opt-In & Lead Generation Plugin. Guaranteed Increase in Subscribers & Conversions! Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)

Convert Pro v1.7.7 – The Best Lead Generation Tool

#1 Email Opt-In & Lead Generation Plugin. Guaranteed Increase in Subscribers & Conversions! Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)

Lead Manager Module for Perfex CRM v1.0.6

Lead manager module allowing various calling methods to connect with the Perfex core leads using latest tools. Unlike manual calling and storing data, this module helps to keep information in a better way for communication hence it will help to convert leads in a more efficient way. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status […]

Brave v0.6.2 – Drag n Drop WordPress Popup, Optin, Lead Gen & Survey Builder

Brave is the Swiss army knife for creating conversion campaigns. Create any kinds of Conversion widget & Sky Rocket your website conversions without coding or developers. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)

LeadGo SaaS v5.2 – Lead Management Tool – nulled

LeadGo SaaS is a Lead Management Tool for maintaining precision in managing multiple leads. Using this proficient tool you could manage the visibility of your leads across various stages in the pipeline. It guarantees improved efficiency with ease in allocating multiple resources to various leads simultaneously. With a SaaS version, create plans using a super […]

Brave v0.6.4 – Drag n Drop WordPress Popup, Optin, Lead Gen & Survey Builder

Brave is the Swiss army knife for creating conversion campaigns. Create any kinds of Conversion widget & Sky Rocket your website conversions without coding or developers. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)

LeadPro v2.1.2 – Lead Management CRM

Leadifly is a lead and call center CRM designed to help businesses for managing and track their sales leads, customer interactions, and marketing campaigns. This software enables businesses to organize their lead data in one central location, allowing them to efficiently follow up on leads. The software typically includes features such as dynamic form, email […]

Brave v0.6.6 – Drag n Drop WordPress Popup, Optin, Lead Gen & Survey Builder

Brave is the Swiss army knife for creating conversion campaigns. Create any kinds of Conversion widget & Sky Rocket your website conversions without coding or developers. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)

LeadPro SAAS v1.0.1 – Lead & Call Center Management CRM

LeadPro is a lead and call center CRM designed to help businesses for managing and track their sales leads, customer interactions, and marketing campaigns. This software enables businesses to organize their lead data in one central location, allowing them to efficiently follow up on leads. The software typically includes features such as dynamic form, email […]

Flexible Lead Scoring and Lead Rating Module for Perfex v1.0.1

As leads flows into your CRM from various sources e.g Facebook, Google, Event e.t.c, You will agree with me that all Leads do not require the same level of attention.This is why we have developed a Lead Scoring Module, you can Use criteria to rate your Leads and target the best Leads with utmost important […]