GuestPass – Apartment Guest Managment App

Guest pass – a complete solution for apartment security, now validate known or unknown guest from the app and allow them to enter in our apartment / in our premises. Demo:!4AxyBYhY!T9ttivcYxYQ4K1AXVO9ETHiY-C7BFMo9fzdHUMRJd8Q This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)

ImageX v1.3 – Website Images and Photos Upload & Managment without Database

ImageX is a PHP Script that let you upload and manage Photos/Images on your Website. It give you also the possiblity to create or rename folders, where your images will be saved. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)

V-Park – Smart parking managment App

V-Park is a smart parking app, its extraordinary parking management app, not need to buy huge hardware to maintain vehicle parking if we use V-park. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)