Clever Layered Navigation v1.3.3 – WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter

CleverLayeredNavigation is WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter which adds advanced product filtering to your WooCommerce shop. Our built-in AJAX Product Filter functionality gives your customers a seamless user experience on both desktop and mobile devices. Demo:!jXe12WmRUHgH/clevernav-133-rar This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)

Navigato v1.1 – City Directory + Tourist Guide + Navigation app

In this app user can explore their surrounding more effectively along with also find routes & direction to reach their destination along with hire taxi cab online for reaching required destination. User can also get step by step navigation along with Augmented Reality with very advanced features of rerouting along with finding faster route Demo: […]

Revealer v2.0.1 – Navigation popup for WordPress links

Revealer WordPress plugin displays a pop-up tooltip for WordPress pages and posts. The plugin allows users to see the contents of the post before going to the page. Revealer improves the user experience and is very convenient because it will enable you to navigate the site’s navigation better. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED […]

Clever Layered Navigation v1.3.8 – WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter

CleverLayeredNavigation is WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter which adds advanced product filtering to your WooCommerce shop. Our built-in AJAX Product Filter functionality gives your customers a seamless user experience on both desktop and mobile devices. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)