Android Diet Plan App (BMI Calculator, Fitness Videos, Health Care) v6

This application shows the information about weight loss diet meal plan, healthy diet menu recipes.Gives you results in just 7 days. On this diet, you will eat three healthy meals and two snacks per day. For easy reference, we have also broken the App down into 5 parts based on your comfort levels – 1200 […]

Flat Stomach Workout (30 days Workout Plan) v1.0

Flat Stomach Workout (30 days Yoga Plan) App Features Flat Stomach Workout paln Bmi Caculator Deit plan for 30 Days(VEG / NONVEG) Daily Workout Notification Exercise Tracker Admob Included Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)

Lion POS v4.0.0 – SaaS Point Of Sale Script for Restaurants and Bars with floor plan

Lion POS is based on a smart interface that any restaurant or bar can use it without difficulty. Because is so flexible you can configure Lion POS to meet your precise needs. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)