LCRM SAAS v1.1 – Run your own SAAS CRM

LCRM SAAS is a CRM software which you can run on your own server and offer it as a SAAS product for free or paid. Demo:!5Q9eGRy7BTGB/lcrmsaas-11-rar This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)

Worksuite Saas v2.5.3 – Project Management System

Keep all your team’s tasks in one place. Collaborate and work in real time for real results. Worksuite: the most powerful and simple way to collaborate with your team. Demo:!arQYA2KMqGpp/worksuitesaas-253-rar This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)