Use-your-Drive v1.16.1 – Google Drive plugin for WordPress

This plugin will help you to easily integrate Google Drive into your WordPress website or blog. Use-your-Drive allows you to view, download, delete, rename files & folders directly from a WordPress page. You can use Use-your-Drive as a File browser, Gallery, Audio- or Video-Player! Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer […]

Meta Box AIO v1.16.1

The sleepless nights of endless coding are over. Instantly generate expert meta boxes and custom fields in WordPress. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)

Redis Cache Pro v1.16.1

A business class Redis object cache backend for WordPress Truly reliable, highly-optimized and fully customizable, with a dedicated engineer when you most need it. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)