DeBlocker v3.3.8 – Anti AdBlock for WordPress

DeBlocker is a powerful tool and money-saving plugin for websites created by WordPress. The goal of this Plugin is to ask a website visitor to disable browser extensions that block ads. The Plugin defines most browser extensions for ads blocking, such as AdBlock & Adblock Plus, uBlock & uBlocker, AdGuard AdBlocker, Poper Blocker, Ads Killer, […]

FontPress v3.3.8 – WordPress Font Manager

With FontPress you can easily empower your theme with virtually any font you want. This with the ability of using and mixing together either Google and Adobe Edge web fonts @font-face fonts Cufons Adobe Typekits or just simple CSS fonts! Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering […]

Mailster v3.3.8 – Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress

Mailster is an easy to use Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress. Create, send and track your Newsletter Campaigns without hassle. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)