Instagram Feed v3.8.0 – WordPress Instagram Gallery

InstaShow is a premium WordPress Instagram feed for creating charming galleries of Instagram images. Take the advantage of an all-new multipurpose responsive Instagram feed for displaying various photos from Instagram with great number of possibilities to determine necessary resources and to set up additional filters. Demo:!AWnJFFpgUpot/instafeed-380-rar This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original […]

Hotel Booking v3.8.0 – Property Rental WordPress Plugin

WordPress Reservation plugin by MotoPress is a complete hotel and vacation rental booking system. As it doesn’t require any coding, the plugin is absolutely handy for non-tech website owners as well developers who build WordPress hotel, any kind of vacation rental themes or custom websites for clients. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status […]

PHPMyLicense v3.8.0 – nulled

Advanced License Manager for PHP Scripts. With this script, you can license your own PHP projects. Issue licenses, and control these licenses remotelly. This script also have a built-in php obfuscator, to protect your code from being stolen. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering done)

DigMart v3.8.0 – Multivendor Digital MarketPlace PHP

DigMart comes with multivendor feature which allow other users to sell on your website with a certain set discount will be charge on each sale which mean both the product author and the site owner earn. That is Fun Huh! Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering […]

Elementor Pro v3.8.0

Improve Every Aspect of Your WordPress Design: Live, Easy and Fun. Goodbye backend! Design all your forms live, right from the Elementor editor. Choose your fields, increase spacing, set columns and layout… Control everything, all without ever leaving the editor. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – (original developer code without any tampering […]

AIKit v3.8.0 – WordPress AI Writing Assistant Using GPT-3

AIKit is a WordPress plugin that integrates your WordPress website directly with OpenAI’s GPT-3 which allows you to leverage AI to generate content, write complete paragraphs on any topic you can imagine, summarize text, paraphrase, generate catchy marketing copy, titles, simplify hard-to-comprehend text, and much more. Demo: This file has UNTOUCHED status – […]